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Es werden Posts vom März, 2017 angezeigt.

Does Education need an upgrade?

The new book of Marion Hopfgartner ist online since today 30th March 2017 and can be found at www.upgrade-edu.com or directly at Amazon.com. In her new book Marion speaks about the necessity of an Upgrade in Education. Can we really dare to use the old methods, curriculum, structures and ways of teaching? Technology changes faster than ever. Science changes and has countless new discoveries. How can we think, that Education can stay the same? Our young people are born into an intensely fast world and learn to act within this. Their brains adapt to the surrounding environment. To use lecturing as the main method in teaching cannot be effective for such brains. If we really want a long-term benefit from learning and studying, we have to realize, that new ways of teaching and educating need to be accepted. Did Handbook change? How much of the content in the today's Handbooks for students is the same as it was in ours 20, 30 or even 40 and 50 years back? Behavioral M...

The right education for my child!

Was können wir unseren Kindern besseres schenken, als wenn wir Ihnen die Chance geben hier einen neuen Weg der Bildung zu erleben. Bildung und Bildungssysteme uü-zu-graden ist nicht so schwierig wie es scheint. Es bedarf einer Schritt-für-Schritt Veränderung und diese ist möglich. Kleine Schritte können bereits einen großen neuen Weg ermöglichen! Wir freuen uns schon jetzt auf die Erscheinung des neuen E-books von Marion E. Hopfgartner. Demnächste "Upgrade Education" Content in English: Those questions come frequently to us: What is the right school for my child? What can I do as a teacher to make schooling for children more interesing? How can we change our curriculum and way of schooling? Very soon Marions new E-book "Upgrade Education" will be released. Parents, Teachers and School Leaders are looking forward to hear more about it? It is not only the fault of lazy students who do not want to learn. The educational system needs a change and it i...