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Testimonial Family Coaching - Marion Hopfgartner

Family life  can be a challenge!

Family life is not always easy and smooth going. It is very normal and natural, that things happen. 
In a family, the big challenge is to be in balance and still productive, to be a mother and a father - 
but also a life partner, to educate the children, but also focus on business and responsibilities.

Family life may be similar to a big company, that needs to be managed and many things need to be thought of. This couple is really amazing and arranges not only their work as entrepreneurs and owners of a company, but also their relationship and their family life with the children.Of course, in such an intense situation - it is helpful to get some suggestions, recommendations and guidance from someone who is not on the inside. 

I luckily got to work with them in my Educational Consultancy. 
Hear about how they felt when they left in this Video!

You want to read a book on Upgrading Education?
Enjoy reading the new book "Upgrade Education - The 21-step-program"


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