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Es werden Posts vom August, 2020 angezeigt.

Marion E. Hopfgartner talks at EduTalks by Noha Barrania on how to grow strong human beings

  Thanks to EduTalks and Noha Barrania from Egypt to invite me to talk on her platform about how to grow children to become strong human beings. It was a pleasure being with her. She is a very experienced educator, consultant and trainer herself and has so much to give to people and the world. You really should check out her work and her efforts especially during this time. She is running many great works for educators and parents on her Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/noha.barrania. #tlipedagogics #tliparenting #nohabarrania #edutalks #egypt #ourchildrenfirst #earlychildhoodeducation #earlylearning #growintoastrongpersonality #lifeskillsforkids #socialskills #kindergarten #preschool #parenting #education #alternativeeducation #innovativeeducation